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Как я устанавливал имидж SifTeam Enigma2 Gecko Edition.

kladovchk: http://www.sifteam.eu/download/decoder/vu-duo http://archive.vuplus.com/download/drivers/ Как я устанавливал имидж SifTeam Enigma2 Gecko Edition. Сразу хочу сказать, что это у меня первый ресивер такого класса и могут быть ошибки в правильности установки и настройки ресивера. Я думаю, что кто первый раз устанавливает имидж может так же установить не углубляясь глубоко в теорию. Это маленькое отступление. Итак начнём. Первое определился, что для этого мне понадобится, какие программы нам нужны для работы с ресивером. И второе, какие плагины (программы) я хочу установить. Для работы с ресивером нам нужно иметь: DCC Dreambox Control Center – универсальная программа для настройки ресивера (Telnet , FTP-менеджер и т.д) и Dreambox Edit - программа для редактирования настроек каналов, частот и спутников. Второе плагины: [hideguest] dreamexplorer_6.9[/hideguest] - файловый менеджер (умеет копировать, удалять, переименовывать, редактировать, воспроизводить видео, музыку, фото..); [hideguest]glasssysutil_3.19[/hideguest] - для просмотра системной информации о состоянии всей памяти ресивера и запущенных процессах в системе;( и не только, ниже мы о ней поговорим) [hideguest]SatAngels_KeyUpdater_E2_1.4[/hideguest] – программа обновления ключей; [hideguest]multimediathek_2.2[/hideguest] - просмотр и запись видео из интернета; weatherplugin - прогноз погоды; moviecut - редактор (обрезка) видеозаписей; [hideguest]transmission_2.1[/hideguest] - тorrent клиент; [hideguest]permanenttimeshift_1.0.0-rc25[/hideguest] - автоматический временной сдвиг; [hideguest]backupsuite_3.4[/hideguest] - сохраняет имидж на HDD & USB (можно установить с фида) [hideguest]tunisiasat-addons-manager_3.0_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] Вот небольшой список плагинов, который мне необходим для работы с ресивером, помимо того что установлено уже в имидже. Итак, приступим к установки: Распакуем содержимое архиав «openee-gecko-image-bm750-20110318232103.zip» и скопируем папку «vuplus» на флешку. Вставим в USB port ресивера флешку и включим ресивер, при этом на табло мы увидим процесс заливки софта: «Reading USB... ». Ждём процеес окончания: «Finished Remove USB and reboot.» Выключаем ресивер - вытаскиваем флешку – включаем ресивер. Настройку ресивера производим согласно инструкции в меню. Я обычно первые установки делаю не меняя не чего (как есть, потому что некоторые имиджи не имеют в настройках русского языка), а потом настраиваю: MENU – Setup – Sustem - Language и выставляем нужный нам язык меню. Устанавливаю «часовой пояс» и настройки Адио/Видео согласно подключению. Всё основные настройки , не считая «Поиск сервисов» ( настройка тюнера) мы произвели, которюю я делаю позже. Сейчас приступим к установке плагинов , для этого запустим программу DCC. Установка всех прграмм производится через папку: /TMP [hideguest][copyright] [/copyright] [/hideguest] После установки плагинов приступаю к настройки «Поиск сервисов»( тюнера) Первое . что нам понадобиться обновить список спутников и транспондеров. В этом нам поможет сайт :[hideguest]Welcome to http://satellites-xml.eu![/hideguest] [hideguest][copyright] [/copyright][/hideguest] После обновления можем приступить к настройкам тюнера: [hideguest][copyright][/copyright][/hideguest] Продолжение следует.....

Ответов - 54, стр: 1 2 3 All

kladovchk: TSpanel updates 1.5 version -Improved online spinner viewer - view spinner online before download and installation -add description and preview buttons to plugins,bootlogo and spinners -Add Tutorial screen for osd online help tutorial -fixed minor bugs in previous version download from attached file for already installed previous version just doing update from main interface or from groups TSpanel-addons-TSpanel or panels or tunisiasat pl [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-tspanel_1.5_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] Oscam Info Plugin V0.6 Notes From 0.4 With this plugin to allow various information about the Oscam.'s These data are taken from the web interface of the Oscam, so It is essential that the plug-in the access Attend to know. There are 2 options, which Main Menu -> Settings (green button): achieve are: 1. Read user data from oscam.conf true ... The effect that the necessary data directly from the file is read oscam.conf. The path there is determined automatically (for time but only in the / usr / keys and / Etc looking for, what are the normal directories, where such data should be driving. 2. Reading from Benuterdaten oscam.conf false ... Appear in the configuration screen additional Entries, where the necessary data (user name, password, IP address and port) can be entered. This makes it possible, for example, to switch rapidly from the data the local box (ie what is the plugin) and another Oscam- to switch servers. These are at the 2nd The possibility of data write a different server. If we choose now "read user data ... -> true" you get the display of the local box, with "false" to the external server. In the settings menu, there is then the time for 2 more points: Update interval (in seconds) - Specifies how often to update the display. Font Size Log - Is currently available for testing purposes, set the font size when viewing to change in the log. After a change of this value is a Enigma2 restart absolutely necessary. Now to the main menu: Red Button - Exit the plugin Green button - Settings menu Yellow button - Version Info for Oscam (from file / tmp / .oscam / oscam.version) Blue Key - Show this text here 1. See ECM-Info (local box) shows the contents of the file "/ tmp / ecm.info" at. This ad works regardless of which server will be available from other data, shows However, only the local ecm.info Box. It can by pressing the corresponding colored button to display a different (clients, Server to switch). 2. Clients View shows the active clients, including IP address, name, online time, CAID: srvid and ECM-time It can by pressing the corresponding colored button to display a different (ECM-Info, Server to switch). 3. Reader's Proxies displays the active server, with no distinction in the plugin, whether it is by Reader (ie actually existing card reader) is, or proxies (compound to other servers) It can by pressing the corresponding colored button to display a different (ECM-Info, Clients to switch). 4. View Log displays the latest entries in the log Oscam. These data come from well the Web, but in reverse order, ie the most recent entry is always on top. The set update interval is also considered. 5. Settings the setup menu (same as pressing the green button) [hideguest]oscaminfo_0.6-r6_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: GSU Full ver. 3.35 - oscam info: fix log in status - updated oscam - 5273 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.35_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: Enhanced Movie Center 2.0.1-r2 (OE 1.6-Mipsel-Enigma2) [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-extensions-enhancedmoviecenter_2.0.1-r2_mipsel.rar[/hideguest] HD Glass16 ver. 2.77 - added support for BH 1.6.1 VU+ (older removed) [hideguest]enigma2-skin-hdglass16_2.77_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] GSU Full ver. 3.36 - fix devices manager when devices is detected wrong by core [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.36_mipsel.zip[/hideguest]

kladovchk: KiddyTimer V1.1 - управление включением ТВ по времени с хх:хх до хх:хх - управление просмотра ТВ по продолжительности в день - управление просмотра ТВ по дням недели Есть два вида таймера на экране ТВ с указанием оставшегося времени. Выбор времени когда Вы дома и сами контролируете ТВ, то есть плагин не активен в это время и смотреть можно без ограничения по времени. Разрешить включать ТВ до............ Разрешить включать ТВ после....... If the plugin is disabled, have to switch once to start the service again. Version 1.1 changes - New feature: If you connect the Dreambox from the monitored time on, you start without a timer (as always). NEW: As soon as the start time of monitoring is achieved, start the plugin automatically. by Tode PIN: 1111 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-extensions-kiddytimer_1.1_all.ipk[/hideguest] GSU Full ver. 3.38 - changed method to calculate cpu load - sys info [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.38_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] HD Glass16 ver. 2.79 added Memory free/total and Cpu load - can be enabled via setup - when autocolor is enabled, color of the mem/cpu is changed by value - Of theCpu : N/A - blue, <25 - green, <50 - yellow, <75 - orange, >75 - red changed method to calculate cpu load - user info [hideguest]enigma2-skin-hdglass16_2.79_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: HD Glass16 ver. 2.80 - fix channel number(converter), when channels with equal name are used in more bouquets (sat positions) [hideguest]enigma2-skin-hdglass16_2.80_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: SifTeam Enigma2 Gecko Edition For VUO + Solo - 28/05/2011 Вышло новое обновления версии Geck через Интернет. После обновления некоторые плагины не работают PS Остался на старом софте.

kladovchk: GSU Full ver. 3.39 - oscam info: 1. fix cards entitlemens 2. splitted status to status and log info (autorefresh in both infos), log info changed to type scrollbar - you can use arrow keys 3. fix some minor bugs - updated oscam to rev. 5321 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.39_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: SifTeam Enigma2 Gecko Edition For VUO + - 28/05/2011 [hideguest]USB hopenee-gecko-image-bm750-20110528171544.zip NFI openee-gecko-image-20110528.rar[/hideguest] Descrizione: Gecko Enigma 2 Version: gecko-git20110603-r42 CHANGELOGS: Enigma2: 2010-02-25 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * lib/python/Plugins/Extensions/GraphMultiEPG/plugin.py: [PATCH 3/3] use non-visual bouquet selector in graphmultiepg * lib/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py: [PATCH 2/3] use non-visual bouquet selector in multiepg * lib/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py: [PATCH 1/3] implement a non-visual bouquet selector for bouq +/- keys . 97a 2011-03-08 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * Screens/TimerEdit.py: fix timerlist sort function (no more move disabled timers to end of list) fixes bug #713 * Screens/TimerEdit.py: fix timerlist sort function (no more move disabled timers to end of list) fixes bug #713 2011-03-08 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> . 86a 2011-03-08 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * Screens/TimerEdit.py: fix timerlist sort function (no more move disabled timers to end of list) fixes bug #713 2011-03-04 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * PluginComponent.py: remove unneeded sort (fixes crash on Menu button press) 2011-03-03 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * add plugin weight to PluginDescriptor... so the plugin start order can be changed now 2011-03-09 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> . 79a 2011-03-11 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * base/console.cpp: fix typo 2011-03-10 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * put out an error message on instant record on non invalid services refs #718 * more robust timer sanity check / autoincrement handling, small code cleanup fixes bug #718 . 55a 2011-03-15 acid-burn <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * WirelessLan/Wlan.py: properly kill still running iwconfig console callbacks. fixes #720 2011-03-14 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * WPA: minimize driver specific code for /etc/network/interfaces * WLAN: fix inversed logic for WPA2 vs. WPA/WPA2 2011-03-14 Fraxinas <andreas.frisch@multimedia-labs.de> * do not show extensions menu plugins which require servicelist in pvr playback mode (works around bug #723) . 51a 2011-03-26 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * fix tabs, code cleanup refs #736 2011-03-25 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * try to fix motor turning with unicable lnb fixes bug #736 * reset frontend type on tuner type change also on simulated tuner fixes false timer conflict warning when trying to create new record timers after boot (-CT combi tuner only) fixes bug #739 2011-03-21 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * TimerEdit.py: fix typo ... this fixes a crash on timer listing with "show finished timers at end of list" 2011-03-19 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * TimerEdit.py: fix import name conflict refs #713 2011-03-18 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * add possibility to choose the finished timer timerlist position in usage config refs bug #713 2011-03-17 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * make new multi epg bouquet handling optional via usage config "Multi-EPG bouquet selection (Yes/No)" option default is the old behaviour refs bug #453 2011-03-17 acid-burn <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * Network.py: fix post-down->pre-down change introduced with last changes. refs #724 2011-03-16 acid-burn <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * small cleanups . 47a 2011-03-31 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * SDL: fix input of control keys 2011-03-30 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * add PSignal3 template 2011-03-31 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * InputBox/Screen: remove trailing semicolon 2011-03-31 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * Screens/NetworkSetup.py, SystemPlugins/WirelessLan,Networkwizard: dont use "hidden..." as selector for hidden networks. Add config option for entering a hidden network ssid. This is more intuitive as selecting the option from the found networks. refs #725 2011-03-30 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * ServiceInfo: make more strings translatable * fix some misspellings * transponder info: display e.g. "Astra (19.2E)" instead of "192" 2011-03-30 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * SystemPlugins/SoftwareManager: change default backup names for wpa_supplicant configuration files. refs #389 * SystemPlugins/WirelessLan: Don't depend on device names where possible. Better wireless lan interface detection and scanning. Changed file naming for wpa_supplicant configuration to wpa_supplicant."interfacename".conf. refs #389 * SystemPlugins/NetworkWizard: Don't depend on device names where possible. Some code cleanups and improvements. refs #389 * Network.py/NetworkSetup.py: improve wireless lan device detection. Dont depend on device names where possible. Some code cleanups and improvements for wlan devices. refs #389 2011-03-16 acid-burn <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * remove debug * SoftwareManager: add new wpa_supplicant configfiles to backup defaults. refs #389 * NetworkWizard: follow network.py to improve wireless interface/module detection. refs #389 * SystemPlugins/WirelessLan: improve wireless device/module detection. improve iwconfig response parsing. read and save wpa_supplicant configurations into per interface separated files. refs #389 * NetworkSetup.py: improved wlan interface/response handling. dont ask for deactivating a second interface if deactivating current interface. use activate/deactivate interface functions instead network restarts to apply network configurations. * Network.py: improve remote rootfs detection and wireless device/module detection. improve functions to activate/deactivate network interfaces. cleanup some unused functions. refs #389 2011-01-20 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * make switching of keyboard modes more consistent 2011-03-25 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * fix some crashes during settings wizard * PluginComponent.py: remove filesystem writeability test * db: use strcmp when recreating bouquets.{tv,radio} * db: move variable * db: remove recursive loading of bouquets * db: remove recursive loading of lamedb . 16a 2011-04-05 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * gdi/picexif.cpp: more and more FD leak stuff refs bug #599 * picexif.cpp: more FD leak voodoo... refs bug #599 * fixed DecodeExif error handling.. this should fix a FD leak fixes bug #599 2011-04-04 enigma2-translation-bot <enigma2-translations@lists.elitedvb.net> * Automatic message catalog update E2 branches: master experimental Plugins : audiosync autoresolution autotimer cdinfo genuinedreambox mytube networkbrowser webinterface serienfilm Plugins-Meta: description and shortdescription . 12a 2011-04-11 Fraxinas <andreas.frisch@multimedia-labs.de> * [TaskView] upon cancelling waiting jobs, remove them from jobmanager queue all the way * [TaskView] fix cancel of waiting (not yet started) jobs 2011-04-11 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * do call pthread_join before new pthread_create when the thread handle is valid fixes bug #749 . 4a 2011-04-15 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * Components/Network.py: small improvements and cleanups/fixes 2011-04-13 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * Components/DreamInfoHandler.py, SystemPlugins/SoftwareManager: add possibility to have also non plugins/skins inside SoftwareManager. add support for 'needsRestart' option inside meta descriptions for non plugins/skins. refs #389 * Enigma2-{Network,NetworkWizard,WirelessLan}: more work on wireless lan / networking. removed 'hidden' links from lists and replaced with more intuitive options in networkwizard/networksetup. fixes #725 2011-04-12 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * Scanner.py: Add MIME types for mka and mkv (Patch by Stephan Reichholf) * BackupRestore.py: Fix untranslatable string (Patch by Benny De Tandt) . 0a 2011-05-28 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Restored original dmm remotes pictures 2011-05-26 root <root@margy82> * Some fix in wizard screens 2011-05-19 margy82 <marcello_petrone@alice.it> * Fix Wizard green screen * Fix PiP problem of Virtualzap infobar 2011-05-15 margy82 <marcello_petrone@alice.it> * Added icons in skin_default to fix crashes on PicturePLayer plugin * Add et 5000 in HWName converter 2011-05-12 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Some fixes on new skin * Some fix on keymap for vuplus remotes 2011-05-09 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Updated default skin * Some fixes on wireless lan support 2011-05-01 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Added support for rt61 wifi driver 2011-04-30 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Fixed missed conflict resolution in last merge * Fixed unterminated #ifdef in dvb.cpp (broken in last merge) 2011-04-26 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * re-add audio track selection by number keys (patch by ritzmo) refs bug #752 * shutdown bdpoll thread on e2 shutdown this is needed for newer python versions... thanks to ritzmo fixes bug #671 * servicemp3.cpp: more simple/flexible streaming detection 2011-04-21 enigma2-translation-bot <enigma2-translations@lists.elitedvb.net> * Automatic message catalog update E2 branches: master experimental Plugins : audiosync autoresolution autotimer cdinfo genuinedreambox mytube networkbrowser webinterface serienfilm Plugins-Meta: description and shortdescription 2011-04-20 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * VirtualKeyBoard.py: fix typo (Lanq -> Lang). refs #750 2011-04-19 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * Converter/ValueToPixmap.py: don't use cache with "Path" argument. refs #750 * Converter/ValueToPixmap.py, Renderer/Pixmap.py: use cache for LoadPixmap inside ValueToPixmap converter, look for pixmap attribute inside Pixmap renderer and react on changes. refs #750 * VirtualKeyBoard.py: add modified patch from Homey to allow keyboard inputs. refs #750 2011-04-18 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * Components/Converter: add ValueToPixmap converter to convert a given path or language code to a pixmap pointer e.g. used by the pixmap renderer. refs #750 * VirtualKeyBoard: Add cz/sk layout (patch from Petr)to VirtualKeyBoard. Add possibility to change language layout with yellow button and display the corresponding language icon. Refs #750 * NumericalTextInput: Add cz/sk layout (patch from Petr)to NumericalTextInput and change font of NumericalTextInputHelpDialog from console to regular for better utf-8 charset support. refs #750 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enigma2 plugins: 2011-03-08 Homey <homey@dreambox-plugins.de> * [TVCharts] Submit pluginlists only one time * [TVCharts] Fix bug in timer- and pluginlists 2011-03-08 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * add refresh rate settings for 720p and 1080i to autores plugin . 0a 2011-04-30 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Removed tpm check in bitratecalc.cpp 2011-04-26 Tode <sagichnet@gmx.net> * Another update of german translation 2011-04-25 Homey <homey@dreambox-plugins.de> * [TVCharts] Use opkg instead ipkg to get pluginlist 2011-03-28 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * MP.py: expose shuffle via /web/mediaplayercmd?command=shuffle 2011-04-25 Homey <homey@dreambox-plugins.de> * [TVCharts] Use alternate UserAgent for status-updates 2011-04-25 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * AutoTimerResource.py: fix if not running in background 2011-04-24 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * moviesearch: less likely to crash with alternative movie lists still not guaranteed to work though, but that's a completely different problem * moviesearch: add proof of concept search plugin to the movie list just drops you into my extended vkeyboard (for numerical text input support) where you can enter the text to search for. currently the search is only done in the movie title and is case insensitive. to reset list just enter an empty search string or abort editing. only tested with standard movie list, might need adjustments for other variants. 2011-04-24 Dario Croci <spaeleus@croci.org> * Autotimer: update for italian translation 2011-04-22 Tode <sagichnet@gmx.net> * Updated german translation 2011-04-22 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * autotimer: base import from match/epg on default timer * autotimer: allow to search recordings for duplicate events and to limit search to next x days both based on a patch by Tode, thanks. 2011-04-15 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * update epgrefresh webif api 2011-04-14 Fraxinas <andreas.frisch@multimedia-labs.de> * [serienfilm] fix crash in DVDBurn add title, fix crash when serlst is not assigned 2011-04-10 Tode <sagichnet@gmx.net> * Add keymap.xml to Makefile.am to fix MovableScreenIssue in the setup of kiddytimer 2011-04-10 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * change default record paths in webif use preferredInstantRecordPath for instant record instead of last videodir and preferredTimerPath instead of last timer videodir. fixes different behavior of e2 and webif. 2011-03-29 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * AutoTimerResource.py: use "True" and "False" in e2simplexmlresult 2011-04-09 Dario Croci <spaeleus@croci.org> * SerienFilm: add italian translation. * ZapHistoryBrowser: update for italian translation. * Autotimer - Update for italian translation. 2011-04-07 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * fix string escaping so gettext can handle it. 2011-04-05 Jörg Trahm <joergm6@online.de> * [Elektro] Fix: Multi-Language (locale) does not work 2011-04-03 Jörg Trahm <joergm6@online.de> * [FanControl2] Fc2 disabled if box has no fan control Fc2WebIf: disabled if webif not installed Fc2Webif: show sensor name as a tooltip 2011-04-01 vali <vali@andLinux.(none)> * [AiHDcontroler] bugfix in NextEvent-renderer 2011-03-31 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * fix typo preventing description import into enigma2 translation system. 2011-03-29 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * AutoTimerResource.py: fix services in add/edit 2011-03-25 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * AutoTimerResource.py: allow to unset timespan, timeframe, offset, maxduration now empty parameters (e.g. /autotimer/edit?id=1&offset=) will unset the attribute instead of keeping the current value. to not alter them just don't add the parameter. 2011-03-24 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * add svdrp to buildsystem also added a note to the meta file stating that probably no one should use this plugin let alone need it… besides me of course 2011-03-18 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * AutoTimerConfiguration.py: e2tags is space- and not comma-separated 2011-03-17 Moritz Venn <moritz.venn@freaque.net> * AutoTimerConfiguration.py: use standard e2tags tag in webif api keep singular <tag> for real config but use comma separated list of tags in webif api. No backwards compatability since I don't know any adopter of this API yet and this saves me some time implementing mine :-) 2011-03-16 sreichholf <stephan@reichholf.net> * add /opkg (same as /ipkg) simplify some code in WebComponents/Sources/EPG.py 2011-03-14 sreichholf <stephan@reichholf.net> * ... * Add /opkg (same as /ipkg) just for "style" reasons 2011-03-12 Alexander Lätsch <alex@laetsch.de> * [VlcPlayer] update for newer VLC (Version > 0.9) * [VlcPlayer] dm8000 additional keys STOP/PLAYPAUSE added 2011-03-10 vali <vali@andLinux.(none)> * [EasyInfo] add primetime3-value for second row in primetime-look * [EasyInfo] resize the field-size for event now/next start times * [Ai.HD] bugfix: DC-Style, EventTimes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Openembedded: 2010-09-22 Eric Bénard <eric@eukrea.com> * classes/update-rc.d.bbclass: move update-rc after postinst without this, launching a daemon can fail if postinst is supposed, for example, to fix permissions of directories used by the daemon. Acked-by: Marcin Juszkiewicz <hrw@openembedded.org> Acked-by: Frans Meulenbroeks <fransmeulenbroeks@gmail.com> Acked-by: Henning Heinold <heinold@inf.fu-berlin.de> 2011-03-21 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * dbus: remove from runlevel S * avahi-0.6.25: remove opendreambox override in order to avoid starting avahi-daemon twice 2011-03-21 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> . 123a 2011-03-22 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * replace some /proc/stb checks with $D checks fix dm8000 legacy flash mapping detection * linux-opendreambox-2.6.18: disable jffs2 summary support for dm800, dm500hd and dm800se to reduce overhead use full flash memory on dm8000 (256MB) with enabled jffs2 summary for faster mount time reflash image is needed to use full flash size! as long no reflash was done we switch to legacy flash mapping use 256M flash memory on dm7020hd increased size of boot partition on dm8000 and dm7020hd to 7MB (new 2nd is needed!) * dreambox-secondstage.bb: update dm7020hd (not public yet) and dm8000 secondstage loader to support new flash mapping (256MB support) 2011-03-21 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * update dm7020hd dvb-modules * add missing 7020hd bootlogo checksum * needed changes for new buildimage tool * dreambox-buildimage-native.bb: update to new version . 119a 2011-03-22 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * dm7025.conf: fix buildimage 2011-03-22 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> . 116a 2011-03-23 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * load 8712u wlan driver on 7025 bootup . 108a 2011-03-26 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * enable CONFIG_BCMINTEMAC_7038_STREAMING=y kernel option on all broadcom based dreamboxes this fixes stability issues on upload (No Rx Descriptor, disabling rx DMA in kernel log) . 104a 2011-03-26 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * recipes/linux: fix some typos . 83a 2011-03-31 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * gst-plugins-bad_0.10.21.bb: increment audioparsers rank again ... this fixes ac3 audio problems when external audio sink is used fixes bug #743 . 59a 2011-04-03 Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org> * linux-dm7020hd: fix offset of root partition . 28a 2011-04-14 Mladen Horvat <acid-burn@opendreambox.org> * Add enigma2-drivers-meta package. Add driver for Ralink RT8070/RT3070/RT3370 based wireless-n USB devices. add rt3070 driver and enigma2-drivers-meta to according tasks-opendreambox packages. . 0a 2011-05-28 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Updated source mirrors with sifteam url * enigma2.bb: updated SRCREV * Updated bootlogo * Removed many dependencies in task-opendreambox-enigma2 (so plugins can be manually removed without force depends) 2011-05-25 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * enigma2.bb: updated SRCREV 2011-05-23 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Reverted et5000 defconfig fix * Fixed perl-native compilation on ubuntu 11.04 2011-05-16 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * enigma2.bb: updated SRCREV * Updated et5000 and et9000 drivers and kernel config 2011-05-14 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Updated some v4l-dvb firmware 2011-05-13 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Added missing v4l-dvb-module-em28xx-dvb module in tuners task 2011-05-10 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * enigma2.bb: updated SRCREV 2011-05-09 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * enigma2.bb: updated SRCREV * Fixed pcsc-lite memory leak 2011-05-07 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Added libpcsclite1 preinstalled as default 2011-05-06 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * dreambox hardware drivers update bcm4506/bcm4501 fixed broken toneburst handling (broken since 20110501 drivers) 2011-05-05 Bobsilvio <bobsilvio@users.sourceforge.net> * Update SRCREV for v4l-dvb 2011-05-04 Bobsilvio <bobsilvio@users.sourceforge.net> * Update SRCREV usbloader for new dictionary * Update SRCREV for v4l-dvb 2011-05-04 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * update dm8000 driver date too * update dm500hd,dm800se,dm8000,dm7025,dm800 hardware drivers - bcm4506: reintroduce minimum tune timeout of 1,5sek to fix tune failed problems caused by slow SEC switches 2011-05-03 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * update dreambox hardware drivers dm800/dm8000/dm800se/dm500hd ---------------------------- finally fixed 20110501 freeze hotfix dm7025 ------- - fixed bcm4506 tuner crash (no hab ack messages in kernel debug) - fixed bcm4506 manual LDPC FEC modes - fixed bcm4506 readback of current pilot state - readback corrected symbolrate and frequency for bcm4506 - cxd1981 DVB-C optimizations 2011-05-02 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Increased task wlan PR * Updated vu+ drivers 20110429 * Small fix on azbox bootup 2011-05-01 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Fixed rt61 makefile * Removed useless files in ralink section * enigma2.bb: updated SRCREV * usbloader.bb: updated SRCREV * Added correct wifi module initialization in azbox bootup 2011-05-01 ghost <andreas.monzner@multimedia-labs.de> * v4l-dvb-modules_hg.bb: fixed get_property implementation * update dm800 dm800se dm500hd dm8000 hardware drivers - hotfix freeze after some channel changes - throttled mpeg decoder debug output a bit - fixed bcm4506 tuner crash (no hab ack messages in kernel debug) - fixed bcm4506 manual LDPC FEC modes - fixed readback of current pilot state for dvb-s2 frontends (needs a linuxtv api fix) - readback corrected symbolrate and frequency for bcm4501 and bcm4506 - cxd1981 DVB-C optimizations 2011-05-01 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Fixed showiframe on azbox (thanks to tideglo) * Added rt61 driver for azbox wireless (untested) * Updated crossepg to svn 292 2011-04-30 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * enigma2.bb: updated SRCREV * enigma2-plugins.bb: updated SRCREV * enigma2.bb: updated SRCREV * Updated et9000 and et5000 drivers to 20110423 * Updated bm750 and vusolo modules to 20110426 2011-04-24 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Updated crossepg to release 0.6.2 svn 260 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Libsif: No Changes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opkg: No Changes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extuner: No Changes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usbloader: 2011-05-04 Bobsilvio <bobsilvio@users.sourceforge.net> * Added Technisat Airstar Telestick 2 in dictionary 2011-05-01 skaman <skaman@users.sourceforge.net> * Added rt61 modules as blacklisted (it's not and usb device... this is a workaround) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lcnscanner: No Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

kladovchk: TSpanel updates version 2.0 new features -display files from more than 3 servers and unlimited customized useraddons servers can be added The servers available 1-Tunisiasat dreambox addons server 2-Tunisiasat dreambox vuplus servers-for files specific for vuplus 3-sim201 addons server for sim201 files as drivers and sim201 plugins -Emu Manager added to main menu to manage cams and emus in cvs images and other images do not contain this tools -plugin icon and all the plugin icons changed to smoother ones installation from the attached file as any ipk file or from update button in previously installed version PS. Данный плагин можно обновить через интернет воспользо вавшись функцией обновления ( Updates) [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-tspanel_2.0_mipsel.rar[/hideguest]

kladovchk: TSpanel updates version 2.1 PS. Данный плагин можно обновить через интернет воспользо вавшись функцией обновления ( Updates)

kladovchk: VPS-Plugin VPS-плагин может определить, является ли миссия начинается раньше и длится дольше, чем таймер запрограммирован. Для этого, каналы получения достоверных данных. Особенности: - Каждый таймер может быть включен VPS - Оценка Запуск статус программы (не работает, начинается в течение нескольких секунд, паузы, работает) - Введите VPS / PDC сроки - Управление потоком времени (например, за 10 минут до фактического начала записи захватывает плагин для мониторинга рабочего состояния) - Записи могут быть полностью контролируется отправителя информации, т. е. запрограммировать таймер периодов не наблюдается. Каналы обеспечивают надежные данные? (Запуск статус) ARD и ZDF, чтобы обеспечить их поставки обычно точной рабочего состояния. Sky поставляет (для Sky принадлежащего каналов и некоторых не-передатчиков), часто точное состояние работы. В отличие от ARD / ZDF, (программы) размещения рекламы до и после шоу, но как "работает" не указан. Частные станции настроить свой статус, чтобы не работает, когда программа начинается раньше или покрытием. Функция VPS, следовательно, не включается при записи с частным сектором. Исключения, как представляется, телевизор DMAX и Servus. Что такое VPS-времени? ARD и ZDF государства в их EPG данные, VPS-времени (PDC дескриптор). Время VPS должно быть отправной время опубликованы в журналах. ZDF это время на их сайте и телетекста. быть указаны для ручного программирования таймера, время VPS при включении функции VPS. Время VPS можно найти плагин, событие с номером пункта, и может начать оценки рабочего состояния. При программировании с помощью EPG не должны VPS время быть указано, потому что, в случае уже сохранен идентификатор события в таймер. Это выглядит для плагина после времени VPS, нет имени для таймера должен быть указан. Название и описание полей заполняется плагин, если программа времени VPS не найдено. Что означает полный контроль над вещания информации? Если эта функция включена (в настройках плагина и таймер!), То плагин может начать запись только тогда, когда миссии формулируется как "работает", и заканчивается, когда таймер Запуск статус "не работает "установлено. В этом случае, запрограммированные периоды таймер, следовательно, не рассматриваются для включения. Время начала таймер должен быть запрограммированы, но по-прежнему верна, так как это время будет использовано для этого, с момента, когда плагин начинает контролировать таймер. Недостатком функции является то, что программа möglicherwise или не принято неправильно, когда станция дает неправильную информацию. Это даже на ARD / ZDF нерегулярно случае. Если функция не используется, то считается плагин запрограммировать время начала и окончания и может начать запись только тогда, рано или работать дольше, не меньше. Свинцово-Time Control Плагин по умолчанию начинается за 10 минут до фактического начала записи в целях отслеживания текущего статуса. Если нет свободного тюнер есть, то пытался плагин на текущий транспондер / канал для поиска информации. ARD будет транслировать как транспондеров на их пути вокруг и EPG информацию из ZDF. Однако, ожидается, с небольшой задержкой. Для таймеры, которые должны находиться под контролем отправителя информации о плагине, если необходимо для того, чтобы привести время на включенный передатчик. Установка Плагин устанавливается как и любой другой. Для использования функции должны быть изменены два файла (/ usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py и / usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/TimerEntry.py). Файлы будут автоматически пропатчен плагин. Enigma должен быть перезапущен после установки. Может быть, даже дважды. Настройки Настройки меню плагина - найти> VPS-плагин -> Настройка -> Система. VPS-плагин следует рассматривать в качестве экспериментальных. [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-extensions-vps_0.2.rar[/hideguest] TSpanel updates version 2.2 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-tspanel_2.2_mipsel.rar[/hideguest]

kladovchk: Dream-Explorer 7.1 EDIT 06/06/2011 - BugFix: noTransBG color, @ oZxS Thanks for the clue! - You can pack his boot logo after gimmick, modification and testing. The package is in / tmp / saved dreambox.bootlogo.tar.gz. - When a file is clicked with xxxxxxx.bootlogo.tar.gz dream explorer, be preserved in it installed boot logos (ALSO bootlogo.jpg! That is, if you have your boot logos for other makes available Packet to your hot xxxxxxxxxx.bootlogo.tar.gz! xxxxxxxxx have to share with his Package name Enigma-2 was: minimum 10.16.2009 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreamexplorer_7.1_mipsel.rar[/hideguest] UPDATE Cool TV Guide V4.0.0 by Coolman by popular demand: is the new Cool TV Guide 4.0.0 introduced the 1 Key operation! then you can switch to cool by step through all the views ... and the note then ... thus you can with a key to determine what the Cool is always started Furthermore, each guide now be run separately all settings from the Cool TV is now mitьbernommen in all other guides ... Thus, you have always the same operation are the same in which your guide ... (where it is logical) Respect for all Skinner: You now have the possibility of a folder in your own skins with Skindesigner installed and thus have full control of design and Buttons! Moreover, the code on more than 1 MB 174 kb Reduction that very much code had to be changed for all may think so at any have fun with it! ------------------------------ an extra thanks to them for their assistance and suggestions to: Zombi Swiss-MAD betonme Olli42 who also have sacrificed your time to improve this update! [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-extensions-cooltvguide_Coolman_V4.0.0_all.rar enigma2-plugin-extensions-cooltvguideskin_Coolman_V4.0_all.rar[/hideguest]

kladovchk: GSU Full ver. 3.40 - 2nd fix oscam info - entitlements - added a new function: autoinstall Description: allows you to automatically install ipk packages stored in the source dir (defined in setup, default: / media / hdd / autoinstall) after the start of E2 (may be allowed via setup, default: inactive), through the setup it is possible to view the current state of ipk files in the source dir, it is possible to immediately run the installation. Applications: copy the required ipk (plugins, etc.) into the source dir, in the setup to allow autoinstall, after start plugin try installing new and unsuccessfully installed ipk packages Note: the state before each installation and display the status is updated ГГУ Полная версия. 3.40 - 2-е информация Oscam исправить - права - Добавлена ​​новая функция: AutoInstall Описание: позволяет автоматически установить ИПК пакеты хранятся в исходном каталоге (определены в программе установки, по умолчанию:/ media / hdd / autoinstall) после начала Е2 (может быть разрешен с помощью установки, по умолчанию: неактивные), через установку это возможность просмотра текущего состояния ИПК файлы в исходном каталоге, можно сразу запустить установку. Приложения: копии необходимых ipk (плагины и т.д.) в исходный каталог, в настройках, чтобы AutoInstall, после запуска плагина попробуйте установить новые и безуспешно установленных пакетов ipk Примечание: состояние перед каждой установки и отображения статуса обновляется [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.40_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] HD Glass16 ver. 2.81 - enabled menu item rotation (from last to first-key down and from first to last- key up in all types of menu [hideguest]enigma2-skin-hdglass16_2.81_mipsel.zip[/hideguest]

kladovchk: TSpanel updates version 2.4 1.Now include settings loader form the most popular settings creaters (MORPHEUS,Vhannibal,cyrus and TunisiaSat settings) bouquets selection and settings screens based on code from sifteam settings loader 2. In Addons there is new addons server LSK Addons by linux-sat-keys Team [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-tspanel_2.4_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] VPS-Plugin v0.3 Changes: - Patches no longer necessary to Enigma Files - VPS can be enabled by default on new timers - _ () or gettext is now used, with which the texts are translatable (formerly German / English) An upgrade to the 0.3 patch (on the files / usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py and / usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/TimerEntry.py) reversed. To be on the safe side, making an upgrade, but first uninstall the previous version and then install the new one. (но сначала удалить предыдущую версию и установить новую.) The uninstall goes through telnet with the command: (Удаление проходит через Telnet с помощью команды:) opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-vps [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-extensions-vps_0.3.rar[/hideguest] GSU Full ver. 3.41 - oscam info: 1. added proxies(oscam, cccam) entitleme nts 2. updated oscam to rev. 5372 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.41_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: GSU Full ver. 3.42 - updated oscam rev. 5378 - updated vizcam 1.15 - updated hypercam 1.14 - updated gbox net 796 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.42_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] - oscam info: 1. added proxies(oscam, cccam) entitlements - updated oscam rev. 5379 - updated gbox net 796 [hideguest]glasssysutil-plugin_3.42_sh4.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: TSpanel updates version 2.6 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-tspanel_2.6_mipsel.rar[/hideguest] GSU Full ver. 3.43 - oscam info : - changed in entitlements - block not supported protocols Of the entitlements - camd3xx, cs3xx, newcamdxxx - updated oscam to rev. 5399 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.43_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: LSK Plugin Free Memory v0.2 [hideguest]enigma2-Isk-fr.rar[/hideguest] TSpanel updates version 2.7 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-tspanel_2.7_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] Prince's Panel Full 6.7 By Persian Prince [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-persianpros-princepanel-full_6.7_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) V.2.0.2 by Coolman & Swiss-MAD elog V.2.0.2 Bugfix: Problems with M2TS Files: M2TS movies are now playing with the ServiceM2TS of E2. Bugfix: VLC should work out from EMC again. Bugfix: Crash with some DVD's with menu. Bugfix: P Fix: Problems with M2TS Files: M2TS movies are now playing with the ServiceM2TS of E2. Bugfix: VLC should work out from EMC again. Bugfix: Crash with some DVD's with menu. Bugfix: trash was from the 2nd Day (without the Dreambox reboot in between) is no longer empty. Bugfix: All the files will have reached the residence away from the Recycle Bin. No matter what kind of file extension. Bugfix: when sorting movie setup item "Sort A to Z Movie List at startup" is displayed properly and will remain when you switch to "home movie. Bugfix: exit to return time in EMC's TV image is back, all users should be back "normal." Fix: DVD subtitles to be displayed, and can by pressing the [TEXT] be a switched /. Bugfix: Crash eim click to support a trial of non-container formats such as eg avi. Fix: Several little things. New: Setup: "Ignore Cut List entries less than 10 seconds" New: Setup: "Save more than last playback position marker" New: Setup: "Start at the finish played recordings of Anfand" To be shooting in the playback state "seen finish" (green) are played from the beginning, or from the last playback position New: setup: "Automatically jump to the first brand" help sometimes to the lead time to skip automatically. New:. Ince will support all file formats. (Note: ". DATEINAME.eit" Not like the other metadata "DATEINAME.ENDUNG.****" or "DATEINAME.ENDUNG.cuts" (Enigma2 makes itself exactly)). New:. Special characters are in the ince also shown. New: Key [long TV] calls the timer list of E2. (Zb also practical when a repetition of the timer is active is to be stopped, because that is not directly in EMC.) New: The EMC EMC setup can now also from themselves by pressing the [MENU] to call. (Movie selection menu last position). New: Files and directories that begin with a "point" (.*) are hidden in EMC. (For Mac users) And directories of "Temporary Items", "Network Trash Folder", "info", too. (For NAS users). New: EMC's new bookmark file always "/ etc/enigma2/emc-bookmarks.cfg". (Previously, the bookmarks below the EMC setup is put debug path "[EMC Debug Path] / bookmarks.cfg") This has the advantage that are the bookmarks in a setting-up with it, and also still available if you debug the path should change times. (Who wants to take their bookmarks from V.2.0.1, the manual copy of the EMC setup eingestellem debug path to / etc/enigma2 / and rename to "emc-bookmarks.cfg".) [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-extensions-enhancedmoviecenter_2.0.2_all.rar[/hideguest]

kladovchk: HD Glass16 ver. 2.83 - added auto-detecting hdd / manually enter for detection hdd temp. in User Sreen - change settings is available in the setup of the skin - in the User Sreen temperature is showed, but the message may appear if in setup is bad path to hdd (shown in the setup N / A), priority detection is set as follows: 1 specified in the setup if not, the second try a hdd detection of management-by Enigma - added autorefresh (according to the enigma of events) to see the Video PID, Audio PID - correction Vpid, ApID Sid and the shape of XXXX, if detected length 2 or 3 and display N / A if indicated pids are not available [hideguest]enigma2-skin-hdglass16_2.83_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] AutomaticCleanup (system cleanup) plugin I developed a plugin for automatic adjustment of: - Crashlogs - Backups of system settings - Timer expired list entries (GUI and restart) after installing the System menu appears (Menu -> Settings -> System), the entry: system cleanup After calling up the settings can be made. Further explanation provided by the setup itself Since the functions to clean up and Crashlogs timer list is also available as separate plug-ins already, they may be replaced during the installation AutomaticCleanup to prevent conflicts. Possibly. existing entries in the menu system are prevented. The plugin has been running for a week without error in the trial run on my DM8000. This publication is also a beta-test! Identified errors please post here. v 0.1.3 Prevention of timerlist cleanup if duplicated with EMC plugin Fix producing crash of Softwaremanager Show version in print messages for ease of crashlog check [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-automaticcleanup_0.1.3_all.ipk[/hideguest] LSK Plugin Free Memory v0.3 [hideguest]enigma2-lsk-free-memory-v0.3.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: TSpanel updates version 3.0 settings backup restore menu added to system tools в меню системе инструментов добавляется параметры резервного восстановления. [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-tspanel_3.0_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest]

kladovchk: TSpanel updates version 3.1 [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-tspanel_3.1_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest] GSU Full ver. 3.45 - added rdc (UCM) [hideguest]enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.45_mipsel.ipk[/hideguest]

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